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Ai Gallery, May 15th - 20th
from your everyday life...




私たちは、たくさんの 「見えない部分」 と暮らしています。

あなたにとって 「それ」 が 「どう」 であるかは、あなたの価値基準に依ってしか判断できません。

だって 「中身」 な上に、よく見えないのですから。

The works are made of various parts and cocooned
with plastic.

I took out the parts and coloured or filed them, to reduce their definition, then placed them in the original locations.

This process awakes our consciousness of memory, recollection, experience and understanding for both the clear and the vague areas of thought in our everyday life.

We are surrounded by those invisible complexities.
Some better not to see, some shouldn't see, some must see, some better to see and for some, it doesn't matter.

It will only be interpreted by your value-basis for "what it is".

Could you ever tell what the whole product of these parts are?
You can't tell, can you?
Sure you can't.  Because these parts are not visible and you can't see the original shape clearly in the work.

Translated by Yuhmi Ohyagi

mixed media

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Copyright (C) Ryo Hamada, All rights reserved.